
Power 101 – Understanding Power Pivot, Power Query, and Power BI

Power 101 - Power Pivot, Power Query, and Power BI can be challenging to understand.  All these involve “Get” and “Transform” functions.  Here’s what they are and how they play together. 2 Different Softwares - First off, remember we are talking about two pieces of...

Machine Overhead Rates

Many accounting systems readily allow for charging Direct Material and Labor (from timeclock) to Jobs.  Your Production Software likely has one or more fields for “Overhead” for each piece of equipment.  You likely have several questions What’s the right amount to put...

Corporate Allocations

Most Companies have a Class/Category for Administrative Overhead that can’t be easily costed to Operating Centers.  Because Administrative Costs are real (if each operation were a stand-alone business, they would have to hire resources like payroll, IT, Salesmen, and...

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Machine Overhead Rates

Many accounting systems readily allow for charging Direct Material and Labor (from timeclock) to Jobs.  Your Production Software likely has one or more fields for “Overhead” for each piece of equipment.  You likely have several questions What’s the right amount to put...

Corporate Allocations

Most Companies have a Class/Category for Administrative Overhead that can’t be easily costed to Operating Centers.  Because Administrative Costs are real (if each operation were a stand-alone business, they would have to hire resources like payroll, IT, Salesmen, and...

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